Harlie's Baby Bump
How to grow a baby..
How to grow a baby..
Archiving this so I never lose it...
A quick little fall road trip
The best Dad in the world
Rematch of the 2024 National Championship
Don't fall behind on falling in love...
The best dog in the world...
A great party with friends and family...
Arguably Walter's favorite day of the year
Mike and Mel get hitched in the Windy City
Last big trip before Juniper arrives
Walter's first baseball game
Family backpacking trip
Quick peakbagging trip...
Quick family hike
Going for four league championships in a row
Back to West Michigan for a wedding and a shower
One night peakbagging trip
Getting a room ready for our daughter
After work loop hike Alpine Lakes Wilderness
One day loop hike Alpine Lakes Wilderness
One night loop hike in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness
Two week trip to England and Bosnia
Quick down and back trip to play hockey
Looking for bulls out near Haney Meadow
Larch Seaason in the North Cascades
Arguably Walter's favorite day of the year
First PCT section hike